Friday, May 31, 2024

My blog has moved!

In looking over my statistics, I realized that people are still finding this ancient blog. You can find me now over at Blessings! Jaime

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Joe+Jayme :: Late afternoon on the front lawn

I took Joe and Jayme's engagement photographs on their amazingly beautiful front lawn. Isn't it just lovely?

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Why you shouldn't throw out those negatives

Recently, I visited my parents in Ohio and began the task of digitizing my mom's heaps o' photos. A couple of my sisters helped me sort them by decade and then I started in scanning the earliest ones first. 1495 images later, I think I'm mid-way through the seventies.

My mom saved all her negatives. She had a darkroom as a hobby when she lived in Germany, and I guess she realized how valuable they are. She has two boxes of them.

I also found some negatives of images taken by one of her aunts in the 1950's. I wanted to post one here along with the one print I found from the same negative. These are completely unedited or fixed. Just straight scans, converted to jpg and sized for the web.

Isn't it interesting how much detail is preserved in the negative when they are both the same age? In the print, aside from the cracking of the paper, the buttons of the woman's dress blend right in so you can't see them!

For those who have asked me about my project, I am using an Epson Perfection V600 scanner. It can scan multiple images and has an attachment and settings for negative scanning. It's a very good scanner for the price. If I were just doing negatives, though, I'd have chosen Wolverine's excellent negative digitizer, which uses an internal camera to capture the image.

Feel free to ask me questions. I was a little intimidated at first and had a hard time tracking down information and how-tos on scanning prints for archiving and printing purposes.

Friday, April 17, 2009

My desktop

Originally uploaded by jaime kae reed | photographer
I have this image on my computer desktop. I'm so happy spring is here!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Baby Around Town!

We went out for some fun in Middletown! Our first stop was Something Sweet Dessert and Cafe on North Street. While there, I had something yummy:

And we started BABY pictures!

Then across to the historic Paramount Theatre.

A short nap was in order at this point. :)

Christmas story time at the Middletown Thrall Library.

A few pictures in front of a nearby church - it was soooo cold!

Then back to Something Sweet for a few more outdoor pictures.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Mike + Kristin Rehearsal

I usually try to go to rehearsals if I am able, and since Mike and Kristin were expecting rain from the hurricane on their wedding day, I asked them if we could go take some images after their rehearsal.

Apparently they have excellent taste in selecting buildings, because the Historic Stone Church in the tiny little hamlet of Cragsmoor is a gorgeous place. I think I got a tad carried away with church pictures after the happy couple headed over to their rehearsal dinner.

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